Dewpoint: |
12.2 °F |
Rain rate: |
0.00 in |
Wind chill: |
31.5 |
Rainfall last hour: |
0.00 in |
Temperature trend: |
| Monthly rainfall: |
3.03 in |
Heat index: |
31.5 |
Yearly rainfall: |
31.90 in |
Relative humidity: |
45 % |
Wind direction: |
--- |
Pressure: |
29.38 in |
Wind speed: |
0.0 mph |
Records |
Today's high temp: |
35.1 °F |
Humidex: |
31.5 |
Time of today's high temp: |
15:54 |
Pressure trend value: |
-0.01 |
Today's low temp: |
15.3 °F |
Wind run today: |
16.7 mph |
Time of today's low temp: |
15:54 |
Today's high wind speed: |
7.4 mph |
Today's high pressure: |
30.04 in |
Time of today's high wind speed: |
16:10 |
Time of today's high pressure: |
22:35 |
Today's high wind gust: |
12.1 mph |
Today's low pressure: |
29.86 in |
Time of today's high wind gust: |
12:23 |
Time of today's low pressure: |
03:54 |
Average wind bearing: |